It was a special pleasure and honor for me to receive an invitation to give a talk at the 3rd National Hospice and Palliative Congress in Kiev, which had to be held online this year. I used the opportunity to report on the so much enriching cooperation between the hospice in Iwano-Frankiwsk and Johannes-Hospiz. The by now three years’ cooperation of our two institutions bore many fruits, which were presented in a compact way. I did not fail to point to an actual book project. It deals with a textbook “Palliative Care for Nurses” in Ukrainian language, which is just being written together with a work group in Iwano-Frankiwsk. I finished my talk by encouraging the formation of similar civilian cooperations way over national borders. Based on mutual trust and flat organizational structures they only take effect from dialogue, development, and social commitment.
I am only too glad to agree with Dr. Anatoliy Tsarenko, vice-chairman of the “Ukrainian League for the Development of Hospice and Palliative care”, who said in his résumé after my contribution how very welcome it would be if traveling and likewise personal encounters would soon be possible again.